Saturday, April 9, 2011

Good news...

After two rounds of blood tests baby's tests came back normal. A little anemic but nothing to worry about. My second opinion doctor came up with a plan to see if we can get his bilirubin down. He wants me to feed him only formula for two days and see if that makes an impact. I could not agree. I do not do well with pumping only because I don't feel like I pump the same amount that he eats. I worry that if I pump exclusively for two days then my milk supply will decrease.

I wish I was one of those mommas that had tons of breast milk. Sadly I am not. When I was breastfeeding my daughter I compared my milk to gold. I fought for every drop to store for when I had to go back to work. Now, same story. Someone told me that it is better the second time around. I have found that to be true only because I am more comfortable and feel like I know what I am doing. We were encouraged to give my son a bottle at least once a day so that he would be used to it. I had been pumping so daddy could give him that feeding. Again it has been difficult to get ahead even that one feeding plus a little extra for when the dreaded end to maternity leave arrives.

So I made a compromise. He can have one to two feedings of formula and I will pump those feedings to save for when I have to go back to work. The physician thought that would be enough to tell if my breast milk was contributing.

If anyone one has tips on how best to increase milk supply I am all ears. I have tried somethings but so far no luck.

1 comment:

  1. I had some luck with Yogi Woman's Nursing Support Tea. I did it to help maintain my supply as we were trying to find a Monogen formula/Breastmilk balance that would work for Klaw. I had to wean him at 6 weeks because his metabolic panel never regulated until he was fully on the formula. Worth a shot & it didn't taste bad with a little honey.
